Dr. Penn’s

Keynote Topics

When Communicating, Do More of What Makes You Human

The Power of Speechcraft and Storytelling in the Digital Age

Build Better Relationships, Become a Better Leader and Better Your Bottom-line: Communication’s Business ROI

Making HERstory: The Power of Leadership Communication for Women in Leadership

Radically Up-Skill How You Pitch

Communicating Sustainability in Unsustainable Times


A Selection of Titles and Descriptions

Keynote title

The Power of Speechcraft and Storytelling in the Digital Age

The Greeks are famous for saying that in “every gift, there is a curse” and in “every curse, there is a gift”. Fast forward to today and it is clear that the Digital Age has given us the unparalleled gift of connection.  The curse however, is a pandemic of disconnection.  When it comes to leadership communication, it is felt in the detached conversations that happen online and the soulless presentations which are given without gravitas or sticking power. Often, it’s as if the lights have been switched off behind the eyes of many leaders and team members when they communicate with each other.

Enter Speechcraft and Storytelling.

Two giants in the Leadership Speaking Toolbox which have the power to reconnect leaders and teams to their peers, their teams and their customers.  They act like glue that binds leaders and teams together in trust and confidence so that they can be more productive and work as high-performing ensembles.

This inspiring talk shares valuable, actionable wisdom about the astounding connecting power of speechcraft and storytelling, gifts which keep on giving, supporting leaders and teams to captivate their customers, influence their sales and transform their business.

Who needs this talk?

LEADERS   who are hungry to increase their repertoire of leadership communication skills for personal growth. They know that they are capable of so much more and they want to unlock their full potential as communicators. They aim to create winning, high-performing teams, which are both sustainable and productive, and they are looking for powerful ways to grow the effectiveness of their teams through building trust and fostering engagement.

TEAMS  who need to collaborate effectively, especially in the context of hybrid working environments. They need potent communication tools which unify, bond and align team members so that both the team and the business can grow and thrive, and they need effective skills to clearly communicate their mandates, objectives and key results both internally and externally.

COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS   who want to become magnets for talent. When others know that they support a communication environment that fosters team growth, values clear and consistent messaging and instills trust, they will want to work there.  The talks are also for companies who want to grow their employees’ engagement and their customers’ satisfaction.

What will audiences learn?

They will understand the origins of effective leadership communication and how to take advantage of it.

They will discover the biggest communication mistakes and how to avoid them.

They will gain clarity about what speechcraft and storytelling are and the steps that they need to take in order to amplify their own communication.

They will discover powerful tools that will support them to begin the journey of personal, team and business growth. The profound, yet simple tools will empower them to reach their full potential as communicators, and the sky is the limit.

They will discover the endless opportunities which are available to apply what they have learned and they will look forward to implementing their newfound knowledge, straight away.

I will use what I learned on a daily basis in meetings, conferences and in speeches

Keynote title

Build Better Relationships, Become a Better Leader and Better Your Bottom-line: Communication’s Business ROI

In today’s fast-paced world, many business leaders are stuck in a rut of negative communication habits which limit their personal growth, their team’s development and their company’s success. These habits are learned over a lifetime and appear in the ways that they communicate with others through their presence, how they use their voices, how they move their bodies and how they show up in their general interactions with others.

The good news is that all humans are born as natural communicators, equipped with everything needed to survive and thrive in our tribes. Our five senses, our ability to speak and our whole bodies contain everything required to communicate authentically and to collaborate, innovate and meaningfully connect with those around us. We have a built-in superpower.

Aimed at leaders and teams from the business community, this timely talk pulls back the curtain on how to unlock one’s native communication potential for personal team and business growth. Through a bold and visionary narrative delivered with a dynamic and participatory approach, Dr. Laura Penn will share powerful tools from her innovative and proprietary method, The Leadership Speaking Toolbox, to empower audiences to elevate how they communicate in front of their peers, teams and customers.

This exceptional Toolbox contains the keys needed to unlock unlimited communication potential for individuals, their teams and their companies. Audiences will walk away feeling activated on a cellular level to implement what they have learned straight away and they will be on the path to growing themselves and the companies they work for.

Who needs this talk?

LEADERS   who are hungry to increase their repertoire of business communication skills for personal growth. They know that they are capable of so much more and they want to unlock their full personal and native potential as communicators. They aim to create winning, high-performing teams, which are both sustainable and productive, and they are looking for powerful ways to grow the effectiveness of their teams through building trust and fostering engagement.

TEAMS  who need to collaborate effectively, especially in the context of hybrid working environments. They need potent communication tools which unify, bond and align team members so that both the team and the business can grow, and they need effective skills to clearly communicate their mandates, objectives and key results both internally and externally.

COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS   who want to become magnets for talent. When others know that they support a communication environment that fosters team growth, values clear and consistent messaging and instills trust, they will want to work there.  The talks are also for companies who want to grow their employees’ engagement and their customers’ satisfaction. Effective business communication will support them to retain existing employees and customers and attract new ones.

What will audiences learn?

They will wake up to the fact that the powerful communication skills needed to amplify personal, team and company growth are already living inside of them.

They will discover that the act of leadership communication is enjoyable and feels good. Communicating effectively is not like going to the dentist, it is native, natural, liberating and within reach for every person who wants it.

They will discover powerful tools that will support them to begin the journey of personal, team and business growth. The profound, yet simple tools will empower them to reach their full potential as communicators, and the sky is the limit.

They will learn that there is so much more to learn.

Dr. Laura Penn’s talks are bold, visionary and authentic and full of dynamic and fun-filled audience participation.

Keynote title

Communicating Sustainability in Unsustainable Times

“We’re at a tipping point, a fork in the road the likes of which humanity have never seen before. There is no Planet B and the time has come to communicate sustainability as if your life depends on it, because it does” – Dr. Laura Penn

This timely, inspiring and empowering keynote will open your eyes to what you can do to communicate sustainability effectively, so that your messages stay in the room and so that you activate the hearts and minds of your colleagues, stakeholders and customers to take action or to think differently. You will learn what it takes to communicate so that people want to listen to what you have to say.  With a Doctorate in biodiversity management and a Masters degree in conservation biology, Dr. Laura Penn’s first career was in the conservation and sustainability sector.  She skilfully weaves this expertise together with her mastery of business communication in this powerful talk, which delivers practical tools which can be put to use straight away, helping to make the world a better place, one talk at a time.

Who needs this talk?

LEADERS who communicate sustainability on a regular basis and need powerful communication tools to get their messages heard, understood and acted upon.

TEAMS who need potent communication tools which unify, bond and align team members and support the company or the organization to reach its customers or stakeholders.

LEADERS and TEAMS who wake up every day and strive to help to make the world a better place.

COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS  who need their employees to have effective communication skills so that they can effectively communicate their mandates, objectives and key results both internally and externally.

What will audiences learn?

They will understand that the time to take action is now, there is no Planet B.

They will discover the key drivers of effective communication: Speechcraft and storytelling.

They will feel motivated and inspired to transform how they currently communicate.

The will learn that there is so much more to learn.

“This talk represents a new approach to improvement in business communication, but more importantly, it strengthened my sense of purpose and taught me how to have an impact.”

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Dr. Penn can create a fully customized keynote around any of her keynote topics for your specific audience.

Get in touch and let’s build something remarkable!

“The immense benefits from our unique and highly energizing experience with Dr. Penn are clearly evident! She activated our team in a way that has increased awareness and attention to “presence” and the need to have intention about how we “show up” for our team members. It also helped us better connect our minds to our bodies, and understand how we can use our voice and presence to connect more deeply with people. I found it hugely enriching and would recommend Dr. Penn’s expertise far and wide! Thank you so much Dr.Penn.”

Everybody needs to communicate and when done with speechcraft and storytelling, individuals, teams and companies grow.

– Dr. Laura Penn